Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language on the iPhone Dev Docs under Mixing Objective-C and C++ states...

Objective-C++ similarly strives to allow C++ class instances to serve as instance variables.  This is possible as long as the C++ class in question (along with all of its superclasses) does not have any virtual member functions defined.  If any virtual member functions are present, the C++ class may not serve as an Objective-C instance variable.

Well, I did just that and it compiled/linked and ran.  Looking at the Instruments/Leaks all is well.  Hmmmn...so why does it work?  I took the bridge code I did yesterday and modified it to have a virtual member function in class Hello, and added another class StairwayToHeaven with a virtual member function.  Here's the code...

class StairwayToHeaven
printf("StairwayToHeaven:Ctor called.\n");

printf("StairwayToHeaven:dtor called.\n");

void PlayGame()
printf("StairwayToHeaven: Playing game.\n");

virtual void VirtualFunc(void)
printf("StairwayToHeaven: VirtualFunc called.\n");

class Hello
id greeting_text;
StairwayToHeaven *pStairwayToHeaven;


greeting_text = @"Hello, world!";
pStairwayToHeaven = new StairwayToHeaven;

printf("Hello:dtor called\n");

delete pStairwayToHeaven;

Hello(const char* initial_greeting_text)
greeting_text = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:initial_greeting_text];


virtual void VirtualFunc(void)
printf("Hello: VirtualFunc called.\n");

void say_hello()
printf("%s\n", [greeting_text UTF8String]);


@interface Greeting : NSObject

Hello *hello;

- (id) init;
- (void) dealloc;
- (void) sayGreeting;
- (void) sayGreeting:(Hello*)greeting;
- (void) doVirtualFunc;


@implementation Greeting

- (id) init
if(self = [super init])
hello = new Hello();

return self;

- (void) dealloc
delete hello;
[super dealloc];

- (void) sayGreeting

- (void) sayGreeting:(Hello*)greeting

- (void) doVirtualFunc


#include "test.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

// notice here...dynamic typing
std::vector testVector;
id szTest = @"'ello Gov'ner!";

// testing in new C++ casting works in mixed Obj-C/C++
float fTest = 9.0f;
int nTest = static_cast(fTest);
printf("nTest = %d\n", nTest);

// instantiate the Greeting class
Greeting *greeting = [[Greeting alloc] init];

// test to see if I can use STL
printf("number of objects in the vector = %d\n", testVector.size());

// get the "sayGreeting" method from the Greeting class
SEL action = @selector (sayGreeting);

short i = 0;
for(std::vector::iterator it = testVector.begin(); it != testVector.end(); it++)
printf("In vector loop = %d\n", i++);

// check to see if the object is our Greeting object
if( [*it respondsToSelector: action] == YES )
[*it sayGreeting];
printf("%s\n", [*it cString]); // it is our other object

// can also do C++ straight up
Hello *hello = new Hello("Bonjour, monde!");

// then mix it with Obj-C
[greeting sayGreeting:hello];
[greeting doVirtualFunc];

delete hello;
[greeting release];

[pool release];

return 0;

I'll post a question to the Objective-C listserv and see what folks say.


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