Sunday, December 7, 2008

Click, click, click

Click, click, click, that's the sound of me adjusting the view lense even tighter, zooming in closer on one of the bullets I listed under "Learn the iPhone Tech." I am talking about "Read iPhone Docs/Samples," after doing some reading last night and jumping from one topic to the next, iPhone Dev, Cocoa, Objective C, UKit Framework, blah, blah, blah. I decided that it was going to require a planned and detailed directions, so as to eliminate wasted sight-seeing on this journey. Believe me there's lots of cool sites and fascinating things to see, but I'm going to try and do them in order, and not break from the path, "oh look, look at that!," that way I'll be able to get where I'm trying to go in better time.

So, the breakdown of "Read iPhone Docs/Samples," is to read the docs in following order;

* iPhone OS Technology Overview
* Cocoa Fundamentals Guide
* iPhone Application Programming Guide
* iPhone Human Interface Guidelines
* iPhone Development Guide
* The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language

I will keep a running status for myself here on the blog of what is currently being worked on or done (highlited in green), what's been accomplished (highlighted in red), and the remaining tasks will be listed.

I am a little neurotic about logging what I'm doing, I won't do it here, but at work I keep a digital logger, that I log everything I'm doing (dated & timed), so there are entries like every 10 minutes. It comes in handy when something stops working or I have forgotten something, I can quickly search my logs and viola, I'm usually saved.


1) Learn the iPhone Tech
* Download/install iPhone SDK
* Upgrade Mac OS $130
* Join iPhone Dev $99
* Read iPhone Docs/Samples
** iPhone OS Technology Overview
** Cocoa Fundamentals Guide
** iPhone Application Programming Guide
** iPhone Human Interface Guidelines
** iPhone Development Guide
** The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language
** Write little test programs to learn the iPhone Capabilities (memory allocation, file I/O, iPhone audio, WiFi, graphics, etc...)

2) Test my game concepts out on the iPhone
3) Build tool(s) if needed
4) Solidify Game Design
5) Architect the game code
6) Develop game w/ scratch art
7) Drop in real assets
8) Test/Debug
9) Ship It

Off to read...

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