Thursday, January 15, 2009

Got it!

The main mechanics is in and working. Whew! I thought my math was off, but turned out to be a stupid error on my part. I was adding to the wrong variable. So, it was throwing my result of by about 15 degrees.

Okay, now on to see how to do texture mapping in OGL ES, it should not be to different from OGL. I know the iPhone uses PVRTC (PowerVR Texture Compression). The iPhone doesn't force you to use PVRTC, you can use PNGs, but PVRTC compresses the textures well for the iPhone, so I will use the "pvrtctool," to crush some images and figure out how to load them and display them.

I can now move from my little wire frames, and solids, and make this thing start to look like something. So, I can impress my boys. I know they look at what I've got going and say, all that time, and that's it. :) Dudes, houses aren't built over night. What you see is the scaffolding, and its going to get torn down after I have everything figured out...then I will build the engine.

Anyway, next up...texture mapping. "It's show time!" (Micheal Buffet's "let's get ready to rumble," oh oh...he has that copyrighted, right? Is better than the Showtime's guy, "It's show time," saying. Anyway...I digress.)

Big weekend ahead (movies, some sleep, family/friends, Dr. King celebrations, and Obama stuff) so I might not get to sit down and work, until late Tuesday...we'll see.

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