Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Errata and What I'm Doing Now

In an earlier post I showed how to add to your $PATH. I actually typed it incorrectly, here is the correct way...

PATH=$PATH:/your path here
export PATH

Tonight/Today is one of those days where I take a step back, in hopes of being able to work smarter and faster in the long wrong. I have started reading the XCode documentation so that I can learn how to do "cross-reference project." Since I am a relative stranger in the Mac/XCode environment, the things that come to me rote on the PC/Visual Studio, have me fumbling around on the Mac.

On the PC if I want to have separate projects that build libraries that other projects use, it is simple, all I have to do is set the build environment to build the library and output the library to some common folder. Then, in the other project, just link against the library(s). I don't like adding the libraries to the project settings since I want to be able to easily move from one build setup to another, so I do in the source file...

#pragma comment(lib, "some lib")

So far, I haven't been able to do so in XCode. Ignorance is the common force behind prejudice so, I'm taking the time to know XCode. I already love most things about it, and once I become more familiar I am sure there will be more love. Besides, "some of my best friends are XCode.," "XCode you aren't like the others, you are special," "XCode you don't smell like *they* said you did," etc....

I want to be able to build my core components as static libraries, tie them into a project and have the changes updated.

Back to reading...

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