Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ahhh...yes, I've decided to blog.

Today...tonight, marks my first blog posting. I will use this blog to muse about my Nintendo DS Home Brewing. YAHB! (Yet Another Homebrew Blog!)

Mainly, I'm blogging so as to keep my ass in gear. Since, by day, I'm hard at work on my bosses project (programming a security, virtual machine application), at night I want to keep my creative, game programming cravings fed.

I worked in the game industry previously for Borta Inc., PlayNet, Kesmai, and Aeon.

So, I decided that I would pick up the DS and start programming it. Long, long, time ago...I worked on the Sega GameGear, 'Urban Strike,' game. I literally, got *bitched* out of an official credit, however I did the main ground work on the game, but later was plucked to lead up the Byron Priess, Screen Saver Companion Disks (90210, Fraiser, Melrose Place, etc...) and made sure that I did get credit...lesson learned.

Anyway, the architecture of the Sega GameGear and the Nintendo Gameboy were somewhat similar. A few years back I picked up the GameBoy Advance and did a bit more hacking on it. So, now I'm picking up the DS and this time I plan to actually, not have a bunch of little demos, but to actually make a game (at least 2 full levels, with music, HUD, etc...). What that game will be, is still floating around in my mind and in a composition notebook. Ideas are floating around, but I want to first test some things out.

So, that's what this blog will cover mainly. I am a movie buff, and have scripted a few screenplays, and even made a movie that was shown in 2 film festivals, and wrote a script for a 48 Hour Film Festival, so every now and then you may find a quote from a movie, or me blabbing about a movie.

Till then let the DSing begin!


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