Sunday, May 31, 2009

One Step Forward, Half A Step Back I spent the day (did take a 2.5 hour nap) cleaning up code and making my OpenGL class component, but ran into trouble mixing my OpenGL C++ class with the EAGLView class. I think I know what is wrong, and it is forcing me to take another step back and do something I should have done a while back, but I was being quick and dirty and making sure the mechanics of the game worked.

Alright, alright, I admit that all this time I have been adding my code into the "TouchFighter2," sample project...stripping out lots of stuff and throwing mine in. The time has come now for me to build my own project and have things nice and tidy.

So, I took a step forward today, and now have to step back again...all this stepping forward and back, will get you cha-cha-ing. You know my mantra, "the journey is the reward."

I forgot all about let me post, it has been a while since I looked at the tasks I set for myself when this journey began back in has been five months, but I have only worked 92 days on the project. As I mentioned in an earlier posting, I fell into a funk and basically didn't touch the code for 2 months, but I'm cranking again. I found my mojo and it is thoughts and dreams of deneros!

Oh come on people if you are developing for the iPhone you are dreaming of making some cash too! Let's don't lie to ourselves.'s the progress...

Key (red = task completed, green = in progress, black = not started)

1) Learn the iPhone Tech
* Download/install iPhone
* Upgrade Mac OS $130

* Join iPhone Dev $99
* Read iPhone Docs/Samples
** iPhone OS Technology Overview
** Cocoa Fundamentals Guide
** iPhone Application Programming Guide
** iPhone Human Interface Guidelines
** iPhone Development Guide

** The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language
** Write little tests programs to learn the iPhone Capabilities ( iPhone audio, memory allocation, file I/O,graphics, etc...) - (sprite displayed by Dec. 15th)

2) Test my game concepts out on the iPhone
3) Build tool(s) if needed
4) Solidify Game Design

5) Architect the game code

6) Develop game w/ scratch art

7) Drop in real assets
8) Test/Debug
9) Ship It

Haxton out!

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