Sunday, May 31, 2009


I'm taking the time now to start really building my engine. I've completed a good deal of the tests that I wanted to figure out to be able to do my game. The journey has been long, and interrupted, but now I am seeing the big picture much clearer. We (artist and myself) have some assets in the game and the mechanics are working. Thus, it is time to get the editor/engine built so that things can go faster.

So, I'm now putting all the mashed and hacked up code into my component classes, so that I can easily assemble my engine/editor.

I have, I think, only 2 *major* things to figure out...

1) Sound (I don't believe the AVFoundationFramework/AVAudioPlayer is difficult, so I may, this evening quickly code up a test).

2) Lua (I still have to sit down and compile/build the framework code I squirreled from somewhere...when I post that I have it working I will find author and give credit here.

That's what is going on. My iMac should be coming in this week, and then I will download the 3.0 SDK and get up and running with it.

One other thing I may tackle this week is setting up xCode to tie into Subversion, and then tie into to CruiseControl. I've been relying on Apple's "TimeMachine," for my backup repository, but that is tedious. So, something else I have to crunch down on.

How many licks does it take to get to the completion of this game?
Ahhh one, ahhh two, three, *crunch!*

I'm not evening going to whine about working a day job, and trying to squeeze in time to do work on the game...I'm not, I'm just not going to do it!

Whinnneeee arrrggghhhh whinnneeee! I lied. :)

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