Tuesday, June 2, 2009

There Are No Problems, Just Solutions

There is no problem with the way my artist is doing transparency. Thanks to Cara Motycka, Gyuri Grell, and Chris Dillman for looking at the art and pointing me to a tutorial. Turns out my artist had already read the tutorial that Gyuri mentioned, and Cara & Chris looked at the sprites and said they were correct.

So, what's the problem you ask. The answer, and as Dave Chappelle would say, "it pains me to say it people," is either my blending code ("noooooo!" the chorus roars) or the fact that I'm running on a non-sanctioned PowerPC Mac and the color/alpha scheme is funky. RGBA on the PowerPC is GRAB, so things may be working but the hardware is showing me differently.

Also, Chris pointed out to me that my converting the PNGs to PVRTC may also be stripping the alpha out. He told me to just stick with the PNGs. The curious thing is that in the funky GRAB scheme, I found some sprites online that did alpha blend for me. Only the ones with black backgrounds worked though. So, who knows...

When my new Intel based iMac arrives (hopefully this week), I will find out if its me or the machine.

Thanks again to those dear souls that helped me see error of my ways. :)

Gyuri is already receiving a free copy of the game for being the first to answer some previous question I had, and now Chris and Cara will as well. Also, here's a plug for Chris, buy his game "Mouse House, " that is already up in the iTunes store.

Now, back to work.

1 comment:

R E Haxton said...

Hopefully, just 2-3 more months. After my little sabbatical, I'm crunching time. :)