Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fade In

Int. Home Office Evening

Middle age, man, sits hunched over computer keyboard, pecking away.

MAN (muttering whisper)
Guess I'll blog about Lua Script integration success.

We zoom into his blog...

Whoooohooo! The Lua scripting is tied in. I downloaded, and built LuaBind as a static library and tied the scripting into my engine. I wrote up some little test scripts and was able to bind C/C++ to Lua, and Lua to C/C++. LuaBind is great, it frees you up to do what you want to do and that is script. Not sit around writing LuaGlue functions so that you can script. I've said it before, I'm lazy and want my tools to be easy to use, and this one surely is.

I also went back to my messaging scheme and enhanced to do derivable messages. Now, I can derive base objects, and have the derive object class register for the messages it wishes to have, and let the base class handle any messages I want the base implementation of, or ignore entirely.

So, after a night of being pretty tired and my mind not working, I arose after a solid 4 hours of sleep and things came to my mind more clearly.

Tonight I will relax on the coding and read some things I want to read on design and continue designing my engine.

Fade out.

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