Monday, June 1, 2009

Doin' The Cha-Cha!

Yesterday a took a step back to clean up some things. Today some steps forward...cha-cha, cha-cha.

I'm proud to announce that I'm now up and running in my own project. I've started laying out my different component classes (yes I am big on Design Patterns). feels great to be in an organized environment.

I will continue on.

One draw back. My artist is still having trouble creating transparent sprites with Illustrator and Photoshop. I keep getting things that aren't transparent at all, or half of the sprites are transparent.

Call for help...if anyone out there knows how to create transparent PNG images in Illustrator and/or Photoshop please drop me an email.


Now back to work...

1 comment:

R E Haxton said...

Thanks Gyuri!

I'm converting the PNGs to PVRTC (Power VR Texture Compression) pvr4 format. I believe they handle transparency.

I've done some tests with other images.

Thinking about it, I wonder if his art is correct and due to the fact that I'm still running on my PowerPC Mac, and the colors are GRAB instead of RGBA if that is why.

The test images I've loaded when viewed in Paintshop Pro the transparency shows up black, and when I put it in my GRAB Mac, it looks transparent. His art has white background in Paintshop Pro. So, his may be correct all this time...we'll see.

My new Intel Mac should be in this week. I will hopefully know soon.
