Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well, I am in the process of fixing a very simple bug, something I've done a million times before, but changed, and now wondering WTF could be wrong. My background image isn't loading and I don't see why not. I will look again this evening with a fresh mind.

I will then try and integrate LUA into my project.

I've also been having some minor artistic squabbles with my artist. He hasn't done games before, and keeps bending towards "realistic," art. I keep trying to tell him that it is a game, so should have some whimsy in it. I have to choose my battles, when we get in enough for some play testing, we'll get some feed back. Hey, he will be the one having to crank out new art.

Just letting you all know that I'm still cranking. After I get LUA up and running I will detail here how I did it.

Anyway...back to day job, and then tonight...fix the damn bug.

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