Monday, February 23, 2009

More OpenGL

I've started coding up the OpenGL code for the animation viewer tool on the Mac. Oh brother, now I have to do stuff specifically for the Mac. I was afraid of this when I started out on this iPhone game journey.

The iPhone uses OpenGL ES on the PowerVR MBX chipset. So, the animation code I've written for the iPhone, doesn't translate, 1 to 1, over to the Mac OS. Fortunately, the NSOpenGLView, and NSOpenGLContext class help alleviate some of the setup headaches, but now I'm going to have to write some code specifically for the Mac OS.

I wish Apple would incorporate a PowerVR MBX emulator view object for the Mac OS, so that those of us writing code for the iPhone, but also have to write tools, and game editors on the Mac would be able to use the same code that is in our engines.

If anyone reading or stumbling across this blog, has been able to use the same code from OGL ES on iPhone, on the Mac OS, drop me a note, I would like to communicate with you.

Oh well, as my grandmother always said, "there's no rest for the weary." Actually, she would substitute "wicked," for "weary," when talking to me. LOL!

The Saturday train trip, deadline approaches.

"I hear that train a comin', comin' round the bend, I ain't seen sunshine, since I don't know when..."


andri said...

PowerVR emulator there is one already for windows and Linux that translate opengl es to opengl so it can run on the computer
it is upto apple and powervr too decide if they want to release it for the mac
here is the powervr forum
you can ask if they have any plans to release it for the mac

R E Haxton said...

Thanks Argor,

I contacted them a month ago. They say they're working with Apple.